Sun City Lights

MCA Sun City Lights | Coming Soon 2025
Building Communities through placemaking
Thank you for shaping our community’s future. We greatly appreciate your time and effort in sharing your input with us through our recent online survey.
Sun City Lights Program is a City of El Paso urban design initiative that focuses on creating vibrant destinations and interactive places. The City of El Paso is collaborating with MCA to propose a project location for the Sun City Lights within the MCA Master Plan Boundary. The intent aims to transform spaces into illuminating experiences, interactive placemaking, enhance existing neighborhoods, and activate economic development.
Washington Park or Saipan-Ledo Park, Choose your preferred location, See survey results below.
Washington Park was selected to be the preferred location from the community.
Stay tune for upcoming updates.
Completed Sun City Lights projects
Kern Place
Metro 31
Sun City Lights
Upcoming Projects
Placemaking is about creating destination, and lighting design could be one of the tools to support enhancing sense of place. Light and lighting design are fundamental to our everyday life. Light is an enabler of all social interaction and experiences playing a central role in how urban cities are shaped. Placemaking today is ambitious and optimistic. Placemaking offers not just social friction but social capital.
Gateways serve as important urban design elements that welcome residents and visitors to a community, define the boundaries of a community, and contribute to the overall identity of a community. Establishing the outer limits of a space through the use of gateway features lets users know they’ve entered a unique space. Enhancing community value through dynamic lighting or signage. A community entrance sign should be bright, clear and informative as it embodies the personality of the community it signifies. Gateways play a vital role in people's experiences.
Conceptual Visuals Only